
Ability FTP Server records extensive logs for all activity which can occur while the service is live. This includes information about when the application loads, administration and session activity. There is also a separate copy of logging information stored for each user. This copy allows you to analyze a particular users activity if required. The logs page enables you to search, view and also save extracts from this information. The storage life time of logging data is adjustable from within the Admin settings.

Logs #

  • Time Range - The information shown on the logs page represents all the log entries that fall within the selected time range and match the provided filter settings. Adjusting the allowed time range can be done by selecting the appropriate option from the drop down list. At the bottom of the list there is also a 'Custom' option which allows you to customize the exact time range to show.
  • Filters - This opens the filter dialog which will enable you to search the log files for specific information.
  • Refresh - This will cause the server to re-search the logs based on your current criteria.
  • Save As - This allows you to save the displayed entries into a text file.
  • Copy - This will copy the selected entries into the clip board. This allows you to paste the information into another text processing application or an email.
  • Select All - This will highlight all the displayed log entries.

Filters #

To enable you to get the most from the logs page, you can filter searches using the Filters button. This dialog provides various fields in which to filter down the results. All the available fields support the use of *'s (eg. '*Failed') and leaving a field blank defaults to allowing anything for that field.

  • Server Logs - Selecting this option will filter all results down to the general overall logs. This includes application loads, administration and all session activity.
  • User Logs - Selecting this option will filter all results down to particular users. Simply enter the username in the 'User' field to ensure the appropriate user is selected.
  • Filename - Only active with server logs. There are only two file names available; "app" which represents application load and administrator connections, and "afs" which represents all administration events, settings loading, server activation and session activity.
  • User - Only active with user logs. This should match the 'User' field of the required user.
  • Session ID - Every connection is given a session ID and so this enables you to display selected transcripts for any one connection.
  • Remote IP Address - This field allows you to display selected entries from a certain IP.
  • Action - This field allows you to display selected entries that correspond to certain actions (eg. "Login*", "*Delete*").
  • Details - This field allows you to display selected entries that have a specific detail. This can include information such as a file name, user, PASV port IP etc.
  • Errors - A select few log entries can generate error messages. This field allows you to search those particular entries.

See Also: Admin, Status, Activity, Sessions.